Installing programs --- checklist

These are the steps to follow when installing an application:

  1. Go to the master STORE for the application, or make the new application on a master store server.
  2. Get the sources for the program, and unpack it.
  3. Move the sources into a src-<version> directory under the application's directory.
  4. Make a shadow tree using "shadow" for the master store server's architecture.
  5. Go to the new src-<version>-<architecture> tree. Read any installation instructions for the application.
  6. Use "unshadow" or "fix", and make necessary changes to Makefiles, configuration files, etc. to make the program fit under /store.
  7. Compile the program.
  8. Either install the program into the ver-<version> tree, or
  9. Go to the ver-<version> directory. Check that all files have a correct architecture prefix.
  10. Register the application, or update the registration, using the "register" tool.
  11. Check the application consistency by running chkapp -a <app>.
  12. To test the new version, use "linkup" to ensure that the master's linktree is updated. You should now be able to use the program from the master's linktree. Remember to test that it works for ordinary users, too, not just for the "store" user!

Furthermore, you should follow these steps when compiling for additional architectures:

  1. Go to a compile server for the architecture wanted.
  2. Make the compile tree top directory /store/store/<compi>/<application>-c.
  3. Make a shadow tree by running "shadow".
  4. Go to the new src-<version>-<arch> directory.
  5. As above, modify as necessary, possibly using patches generated when compiling for the main architecture.
  6. Compile the program as normal.
  7. Install into the ver-<version> subtree in the compilation tree, possibly by make install and postinst.
  8. If necessary, rename any architecture-specific files to indicate the correct subset they support.
  9. Transfer all architecture-specific files to the master store for the application. In normal cases, you would use postinst and the tar-file generated by postinst. If you use FTP to transfer the files, make sure the new files have correct permissions. You should have the exact same set of architecture-independent files in the compile tree as in the master's version tree. Then, you do not need to transfer these.
  10. Update the registration file on the master to indicate that the new architecture is supported.
  11. Use "slaveapp" to transfer the new version to the compile server's slave store, and "linkup" to correct the compile server's linktree. Then verify that the programs are correctly available and functional under /store.

Up : Installing software in STORE, Previous: Installation goals, Next : Installation tools.
