Installation goals

You need to compile the application so it will search under /store for all its data files. Most programs using GNU configure, for example, can be configured correctly, by simply using configure --prefix=/store. Alternatively, you may need to modify the Makefile, or a configuration file.

The program should ideally be as self-contained as possible, and should not refer to any nonstandard files outside of STORE. In some cases, programs may be set up to look for configuration files under /etc or /local as well as under /store, but this should be noted in the registration file. If the program needs to have another STORE application in order to work at all, this should be noted in the 'dependant on' field in the registration file -- then the STORE scripts will check that this other application is available before slaving or linking up the application (NOTE: this is not implemented yet!)

A binary program would be available as /store/bin/<program>, but the goal is then to install it on the master store as

Data files go under the /store/lib or /store/lib/<app> directory, and you need to consider whether the data files are architecture-dependant or not.

Manual pages goes into, for example, /store/man/man1/<program>.1. See section Handling documentation.

Of course, all these are only our local convention, and it is possible to modify them to suit other environments. However, they seem to work pretty well here.

Up : Installing software in STORE, Next : Installing programs -- checklist.
