Project Outline

Project Outline

The purpose of this project is to simulate some of the certificate revocation schemes described and analyzed in my thesis Public Key Certificate Revocation Schemes. This simulation is intended to be a performance simulation that provides knowledge on the performance, scalability and timeliness of different schemes.

Schemes to simulate

The three schemes CRL, CRL Distribution Points with Delta CRLs and OCSP will primarily be simulated. The simulation program is designed in a way that makes it simple to implement the simulation of new schemes. Other schemes will also be simulated if time permits.


The certificate revocation schemes will be simulated in an object-oriented simulation using Java. Also, a Java-based simulation environment called JSIM is considered used in the simulation. A prototype will be implemented first in order to provide some background for the design. The prototype is implemented without JSIM, and only CRL is prototyped.


Last update,, March 18 2000