
Thursday Introduction to Lua

There are thousands of script languages out there, all with various strengths. Lua is designed to be embeddable. This makes it an excellent choice for game addons, config files and high level scripting needs in applications.

This presentation aims to teach Lua from the grounds up, show its strengths - and weaknesses - from simple hello world scripts to embedded runtimes in C programs. We will go through all the language's features, as well as peek a bit under its hood.

If you are interested in scripting languages and want a different perspective, or if you have a game developer in your stomach and want to know about embedding a scripting language into your game, or if you just want to learn a new programming language to add to your CV, this course is for you.

The course will assume you know a programming language at an intro level (e.g. python or matlab from TDT4110/TDT4105), but beyond that no prerequisites are needed.