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Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 15:40:46 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Jook-Am Question about move # 67
 Dear Students:
 The problem that some students ( we are all students ) are having with move #
 67 in Jook- Am is a terminology problem. The proper identification of an
 obverse punch , strike or block, is: "An obverse technique is that technique
 which is performed by the arm on the same side of the body as the most bent
 leg and a reverse technique is performed by the arm on the least bent leg
 side". Therefore a right punch executed from a right walking stance is an
 obverse punch and a left punch ,from the same stance, is a reverse punch.
 Therefore, in a right L stance the most bent leg is the right leg and that,
 by definition makes the right punch an obverse punch and the left punch a
 reverse punch. L stance is never formed in a full facing position and so the
 obverse punch is always to the half facing angle ( as in Hwa- Rang ) and the
 reverse punch in the same stance is actually called a side front punch ( as
 is move # 3 to B in Won-Hyo ). And so in Jook-Am the reverse punch is to D.
 Whew! I hope this helps and now if I may decend from the lecturn I will
 adjourn class. Good Luck in TaeKwon-Do.
 Master Tompkins

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