Global Taekwon-do Network.

The GTF-Talk Archive.

From: "Suzan Crochet" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 14:54:17 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: RE: Jook-Am Moves Now Available!
 ---------- on behalf of Melissa Whalen
 Sent: 	Wednesday, August 28, 1996 8:38 AM
 To: 	Multiple recipients of list
 	Jook-Am Moves Now Available!
 I have just received the latest Jook-Am refinements from Master Tompkins
 (which have been approved by Grand Master Park) and have them available in a
 MS Word, version 7.0 document.  The pattern meaning, diagram and moves are
 included in the document.
 Miss Whalen,   I would like to try to open the MS Word version of Jook-Am.  I 
 am pretty sure that my computer will interpret it but I'm not positive.
 I may have already sent you a reply to this E-Mail but I could not get it to 
 show up in my out box so I thought I'd better try again.  
 I'm still looking forward to black belt workout this Friday.  I hope we can 
 workout again on Saturday morning.  I know sometimes that doesn't work into 
 your schedule but Miss Lopez and I have to be back to work a Wiz game on 
 I'm just answering this as a reply to sender and it looks like a different 
 address than I used before when I E-Mailed you?   Is that true or am I just 
 crazy?  Please explain.
 See you soon!
 Miss Crochet
 Blessed are the flexible for they shall not get bent out of shape.
 Les Pourciau

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