; Definitions of structures intended for use within the HEMLOCK-INTERNALS ; package. Struct ; Definitions of structures intended for use within the HEMLOCK package. Struct-ed ; Code specific to CMU Common Lisp on the IBM RT/PC under Mach. rompsite ; Implementation dependant character hacking macros. Charmacs ; This is implementation dependent code for canonical input event ; representation. It also provides a interface for converting X11 codes ; and bits to an input event. Key-event Keysym-defs ; Implementation independent code to support input to Hemlock, based on ; keytran.lisp and keytrandefs.lisp. Input ; Random macros needed in the compiler. Macros ; Implementation dependant line structure definition. Line ; Ring-Buffer data-type primitives. Ring ; String-Table primitives. Table ; Text manipulation primitives. Htext1 Htext2 Htext3 Htext4 ; Searching and replacing primitives. Search1 ;String searches. Search2 ;Character searches, uses %sp-[reverse-]find-character-with-attribute. ; Stuff that depends on the current line-image building scheme, and ; thus %SP-Find-Character-With-Attribute. ; Build line images. Linimage ; Cursor-positioning and recentering stuff. Cursor ; Uses %SP-Find-Character-With-Attribute, but is independent of line-image ; stuff. ; Syntax table primitives. Syntax ; Window image building stuff. Winimage ; Implementation dependent redisplay code for running under X. Hunk-Draw ; Implementation independent interface to Unix style termcap files. Termcap ; Implementation independent redisplay entry points. Display ; Implementation dependent redisplay. Bit-display ;for bitmap displays under X. ; Implementation dependent redisplay code for running with a terminal. Tty-disp-rt ; Implementation independent redisplay code for running with a terminal. Tty-display ; Implementation dependent code for random typeout/pop-up displays on the ; bitmap and tty. pop-up-stream ; Implementation independent screen management. Screen ; Implementation dependent screen management. Bit-screen ;for bitmap display under X. ; Implementation independent screen management code for running with a terminal. Tty-screen ; Implementation independent code for Hemlock window primitives and ; some other redisplay stuff. Window ; Implementation independent interface to fonts. Font ; The command interpreter. Interp ; Hemlock variable access functions. Vars ; Buffer and mode manipulation functions Buffer ; Implementation dependent file primitives. Files ; Implemention dependent stream primitives. Streams ; echo-area prompting functions. Echo ; Random top-level user functions and implementation independant initilization ; stuff. Main ; Echo-Area commands. EchoComs ; Some character attribute definitions. Defsyn ; Basic commands Command MoreComs ; Stuff for undoing stuff. Undo ; Killing and un-killing commands. Mark ring primitives and commands. KillComs ; Searching and replacing commands. SearchComs ; File and buffer manipulating commands. Filecoms ; Indentation commands Indent ; Commands for lisp mode. Lispmode ; Comment-hacking commands. Comments ; Auto Fill Mode and filling commands. Fill ; Text primitives and commands (paragraphs, sentences, etc.) Text ; Documentation commands. Doccoms ; Commands for buffer comparison and stuff. Srccom ; Commands for manipulating groups of files. Group ; Implementation dependent spell code. Spell-RT ; Spelling correction interface implementation. Spell-Corr ; Spell interface to incrementally add to the dictionary. Spell-Aug ; Nearly implementation independent code to build binary dictionary. Spell-Build ; User interface commands. Spellcoms ; Word abbreviation commands. Abbrev ; Overwrite mode, for making text pictures and stuff. Overwrite ; Gosling Emacs bindings and twiddle chars command. Lots of other ;differences. gosmacs ; a typescript server in Hemlock. Client Lisp's *terminal-io* streams are ; set to typescript streams which send message requests to typescript servers ; for input and output, so this is how client Lisps can do full I/O inside ; a Hemlock buffer. Ts-buf Ts-stream ; commands for interacting with client Lisp environments and REP loops. eval-server Lispeval ; commands for evaling and running a REP loop in a buffer. Lispbuf ; Keyboard macros and stuff. Kbdmac ; Hackish thing to italicize comments. Icom ; Stuff to check buffer integrity. Integrity ; Scribe Mode Scribe ; Definition editing/function definition finding Edit-Defs ; auto-save mode. auto-save ; register code. stuff for stashing marks and regions in "registers". register ; commands pertinent only to the X windowing system. xcoms ; implements Unix specific commands for Hemlock. unixcoms ; mail interface to MH. mh ; highlighting parens and active regions. highlight ; directory editing; implementation dependent. dired diredcoms ; buffer hacking mode. bufed ; lisp library browser mode; implementation dependent. lisp-lib ; completion mode to save key strokes for long Lisp identifiers. completion ; "Process" mode, primarily implements Unix shells in Hemlock buffers. shell ; stuff for talking to slave Lisps to do debugging. debug ; site dependent NNTP interface for reading Netnews. netnews ; File that sets up all the default key bindings; implementation dependant. Bindings