Civilian Vehicles

Standardized Electronic Suites

For reasons of economy, a few types of "standard" electronic suites including sensors and computers as well as communications gear are mass-produced to be installed in many different vehicles. Descriptions of these follow.

Electronics Suite for Ground Vehicles

This suite includes the following systems: Total: 24.5 lbs, 1.09 cf, $4,325, 0.125 kW.
This suite is entirely optional, and most ground vehicles do without; it is mostly used on expensive luxury automobiles and heavy transport vehicles (semitrailers) and the like.

Electronics Suite for Water Vehicles

This suite includes the following systems: Total: 57.6 lbs, 1.61 cf, $11,500, 2 kW.
This suite is incorporated in most larger surface ships; many smaller boats make do with no sensors at all and maybe even with no radio or computer and only electronic controls (or even mechanical, in the case of native-built craft).

Electronics Suite for Air Vehicles

The following systems are included: Total: 60.1 lbs, 1.805 cf, $20,100, 2.75 kW.
This suite is installed in most aircraft; ultralights are just about the only exception, and in many areas it will be illegal to fly without at least this much electronics on board for reasons of safety (the air traffic controllers need to know where you are, you need to know where everyone else is, and where you are in relation to the ground....)
Last modified: Thu Feb 19 06:28:06 MET 1998