
What follows is a selection of the books I have read that I recommend others to read. The purpose of this could for instance be that if you have read some of these books and enjoyed them, there is a chance that your tastes are similar to mine, and that would mean that you would probably enjoy some of the other books from this list.

In each category I have sorted the authors from the outstanding down to the very good. Similarly, for each author I have sorted the titles from the excellent down to the extremely readable. Links among the book titles refer to places where the actual content of a book can be found on-line.

Science fiction:

Vernor Vinge: Across Realtime, A Fire Upon The Deep, A Deepness In The Sky, True Names.
Greg Egan: Axiomatic, Permutation City, Diaspora, Distress.
Iain M. Banks: Excession, Look to Windward, Consider Phlebas.
James P. Hogan: Code of the Lifemaker, The Immortality Option.
Greg Bear: Blood Music, Queen of Angels, Forge of God.
Neal Stephenson: Cryptonomicon, The Diamond Age, Snow Crash.
Marc Stiegler: The Gentle Seduction.
David Brin: The Uplift War with sequels, Otherness.
Carl Sagan: Contact.
John McLoughlin: Toolmaker Koan.
Douglas Adams: The Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy with sequels, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency with sequel.
Robert L. Forward: Dragon's Egg, Rocheworld, Camelot 30K.
Larry Niven: Integral Trees, The Smoke Ring, The Mote in God's Eye.


J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings.
Terry Pratchett: Interesting Times.
Piers Anthony: On a Pale Horse, Bearing an Hourglass.


Douglas R. Hofstadter: "Gödel, Escher, Bach".
K. Eric Drexler: Engines of Creation.
Richard Dawkins: The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker.
Ed Regis: Great Mambo Chicken and the Transhuman Condition.

Of course, there is also a list of books that I haven't read, but intend to, and this list probably contains some good stuff as well. I keep my list at for convenience: Here.

If you found this list useful and agree with me on many of my choices, please send me an email with your favourite authors and books. If I can find just one more author that is worth reading, I will be grateful.

Obligatory quote:

    (Achilles has just explained to Tortoise what a haiku is.)
Tortoise:  Such compressed poems   with seventeen syllables   can't have much meaning . . .
Achilles:  Meaning lies as much   in the mind of the reader   as in the haiku.

- Douglas R. Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach

Last modified: Wed Apr 23 08:46:55 CEST 2003