Talent productions.

Here is a list of Talent productions since the start in 1991 until today. Note that the list is not complete. To complete it, we need your help.


Convention Invitation '96IntroNov, 1996
Hexfiles 2DentroNov, 1996
Convention Invitation '97IntroSep, 1997
DreamscapeDentroErlend, CaanFeb, 1997
NygmaDemoOct, 1997


Neverending FantasiesDemoStripe the GremlinSep, 1991
The CompleteMusicdiskStripe the GremlinJun, 1992
Town Of TunesIntroStripe the Gremlin1992
Blue OysterIntroNecroAug, 1993
MiniIntroIntroStripe the Gremlin1993
Panta RheiDemoStripe the GremlinAug, 1993
Q.E.D.TrackmoStripe the GremlinApr, 1993
Si Vis Pacem Para BellumIntroNecroJun, 1993
42 issue 1DiskmagScourger/LackMay, 1994
42 issue 2DiskmagScourger/LackMay, 1994
Q.E.D. IITrackmoStripe the GremlinApr, 1994
ShowtimeDentroCindyFeb, 1994
TalentiadenDentroScourgerJan, 1994
Meteorologens MarerittDentroBlack PantherNever released
