This one started a while back, with me trying to achieve an
effect I wasn't even quite sure I could describe.  Since then I came
across the books of magic and John Constantine, and the resulting
modifications to the character have made him more interesting and a
bit more like Constatine, although Quincy has a background all his own
that is a bit, ahem, weird.  There are only two iffy powers.  Luck in
an EC will slide by my GM because a) he suggested it, and b) the GM
has such absolute control over Luck anyway, it's not a big deal to
balance it.  The summoning power is a bit trickier.  It's about the
only way I've figured to achieve the effect without pouring points
down a black hole or getting a GM's fiat.  I suspect my GM will still
give me a hard time about it (haven't shown him the latest version
yet).  Suggestions on this would be MUCH appreciated.

Quincy Dent

13  Str   3		Secret Agent Skills Package Deal (6 pts)
13  Dex   9		--	PS:  Intelligence Operations
18  Con  16		 2	KS:  Covert Operations		
10  Bod			 3	Criminology (Int/5) 	13-	16-
18  Int   8		 3	Forensics (Int/5) 	13-	16-
15  Ego  10		 3	Shadowing (Pre/5) 	14-	17-
23  Pre  13		 3	Streetwise (Pre/5)	14-	17-
12  Com   1		 1	FAM w/Air Transports	
10  PD    7		 3	Well Connected		
10  ED    6		 3	Contact:		14-
 4  Spd  17		 3	Contact:		14-
38  End			 2	Contact:  Fed. Database	12-
27  Stn			  .5	Favor:			14-
         90		  .5	Favor:			14-
Dex Roll: 15-		21	(27-6)
Int Roll: 16-		 6	+3 Perception
Per Roll: 19-		 6	Mental Defense
Ego Roll: 15-		30	Overall Levels +3
 7	Elemental Control "Luck" (Act 14-, Jammed)
15	"Jinx" 8d6 Energy Blast, Variable SFX
15	"Rolling with the punches" 1/2 PD & 1/2 ED fr. Damage Reduction
15	Luck 12d6
15	"Somebody Else's Problem", Mental Illusion, No Range, No End,
		Area Effect Radius, 7d6
15	"Lucky Guesses", Clarisentience, Precognition, Sight Sense Group,
		Normal Hearing & Smell, Mental Awareness, Radio Hearing
15	"Riding the Synchronicity Train", summoning any means of
		transportation, up to 120 points worth


  5	Age Forty
 20	Normal Characteristic Maxima
 15	Watched 14- by Agency (O.O.F.)
 20	Hunted, large group, fanatically, incompetents, AVONic cultists
 20	Hunted, large group, fanatically, incompetents, Righteous Right
 20	DNPC, Uncle, Incompetent, Occasional
 20	Psych Lim:  Code Against Killing
 10	Psych Lim:  Prankster
 10	Psych Lim:  Law-Abiding
 10	Reputation, Sometimes, Extreme (agent of O.O.F., known to some spooks
		& law enforcement types as "the guys who handle the weird

	Hunteds:  When Dent's uncle passed on the mantle of the champion, he
failed to realize that he was, in fact, reawakening the decades-slumbering
conflagration between the Defenders Ultimatum Hominum and the AVONic order.
Although their ringleaders were gone, their organization destroyed, the
remaining members of the AVONic order were still sensitive enough to
recognize the manipulation of the planet's aetheric field and the use of
the Champion's powers.  They began to reunite, activating the various
hundreds of "sleeper" agents and calling them together.

	Unfortunately, the AVONic order is not what it used to be.  Not only
are the brilliant leaders of yesteryear gone, the stunningly powerful giant
technology of the 1950's destroyed, and the power of the organization
dispersed, but the agents are aging men in their 60s and 70s, their bodies
long grown unused to practicing these arts and most of their skills long
since atrophied from disuse.  As a result, while potentially deadly, they
are for the most part incompetent.  The best thing they have going for them
is that people tend to underestimate them.

	The Righteous Right is another matter.  This is an organization of
young fundamentalist christians who have decided that they are the ones to
administer God's Law to the heathens and satanic demons masquerading as
super-heroes and super-villains.  Unfortunately (?), they're not too good at
it yet... but they're learning.


	Quincy Dent was a quiet, dedicated, patriotic man, spending his life
in the pursuit of Evil and the defense of his country as an agent of O.O.F.
His speciality was urban "field work," hitting the streets and talking to
people and finding out information.  In the vernacular of his profession he
became known as a top-notch "pavement artist."  Until one day he retired,
at the behest of his uncle, his sole living relative.

	The reasons for his retirement from active field work were much
deeper than it would appear, however, because his uncle, an ancient man
nearing (so he said) a death of old age, had asked Quincy to set aside his
mundane law enforcement work and take up the mantle of the champion of an
even more ancient society that called itself only "The Ultimate Defenders of
Humanity." This society, of which Quincy's uncle was the last
living member and previous champion during the Second World War and Korean
war, devoted its energies to stopping the Evil and Insidious Plots of the
Ancient and Venerable Order of Nihilists (AVON), a cult of demon and devil 
worshipers intent on no less than the summoning up of Rashmaphtooie, a grand
demon of inhuman and preternatural origins who would destroy the world.

	For centuries, perhaps millenia, the Defenders Ultimatum Hominum
(D.U.H., as their latin name read) had stopped AVON's evil plots, aided
chiefly by their powerful magical champion.  Then several decades ago, the
champion, in truth Quincy's uncle, smashed the core of ringleaders of the
AVONic cult and forever eliminate the threat of Rashmaphtooie.  Or so they
thought.  Of late, Quincy's uncle had begun to felt disturbances through the
magickal senses of the ether, changes in the warp and weft of the world.
He knew that it was time once again for the Champion to rise.  Quincy
retreated with his uncle for a period of training in the mystical skills of
the champion of D.U.H., finally emerging as himself, but with a whole raft
of new tricks to try out.

AVONic Demons:  deep ruddy skinned beings with four large, strong arms (two
in place of the legs), no head (just a smooth spot where the neck should
be), mouths (and gnashing teeth) in the palms of their hands and eyes in
their chests.  One favorite tactic of the AVONic demons is to grab and crush
a victim with all four arms, at the same time using their teeth to dig in
and bite gouts of flesh out of the target.
O.O.F. (Obscure Occult Finite - Finite is another acronym, F.I.N.I.T.E.
(Federal Incorporated Network International Terrorism and Espionage)).