Subject: Write-Ups: Marvel Misc (Captain Ultra)

After all the discussion of power levels, I fell like posting some really high-powered characters, but I'm afraid these two aren't going to upset anybody :-).

Captain Ultra
43 Str 33   50 20" Flight, 1/2 End [2]
18 Dex 24   20 N-Ray Vision, can only see through 18" of material
23 Con 26   20 20/20 Resistant Pd/Ed
10 Bod  -    3 5pts Flash Def, OIF
10 Int  -    2 PS: Plumber 11-
10 Ego  -
18 Pre  8
10 Com  -
20 Pd  11
20 Ed  15
 4 Spd 12
14 Rec  -
46 End  -
44 Stn  -
      ---  ---
      129 + 95 = 224

 15 Secret ID
 20 Psyche Lim: Pyrophobia (Common, Total)
 89 Ugly Costume Bonus

The origins of Captain Ultra's powers are still unknown.  In his
first appearence he tried to join the Frightful Four (he lost out
to the Brute).  Later he tried to make it as a hero, joining the 
Defenders for a day then moving to Chicago where he got upstaged
by Thor.  He is comic relief.

Character write-up by Sam Bell.  Permission granted to duplicate and trasmit, 
as long as this note is not removed.  Send comments to sam@shonen.Eng.Sun.COM