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Concepts and conventions of STORE

When discussing STORE, there are many new terms and concepts. We have tried to define the most important concepts here.

The central store concept

A store is a directory containing application packages suitable for STORE. It must be available as /store/store/<name>. You may have several stores on a single store server.

The macro view


The linktree, also called /store, also called the macro view, is what the users see available under the /store directory, not including anything under /store/store.

Machines having one or several stores

A STORE server is any machine having a store or a linktree. In most cases, you would have just one store and one linktree. If you get short on disk space, and add another disk, using it as an extra store mostly for compiling is easy. You would only want extra linktrees in a heterogenous environment.

The application concept


An application, or package, or software, or a program, is whatever is packaged under a /store/store/<master>/<app> directory. It is wise to keep a single program released as one package as a STORE application. It is generally a very bad idea to have several masters for the same application.

Versions of applications

You may have several versions of an application in the master store, but one may be linked up to a linktree, of course. Having old versions may provide backup, or be useful references when compiling new versions. A feature hopefully to be implemented makes it possible to have several active versions, with different architecture support, so you can compile new versions for just some architectures. However, remember that all slave copies will mimic their master,, copying old versions, and deleting versions when they are deleted on the master.

Master stores

A master store is a store containing some masters for applications. In principle, any store will be checked for masters, but in practice, it is wise to limit the number of master stores. Master stores should be on trusted, stable machines, and mounted on most other store servers to ensure correct copying to slaves.

Slave stores

A slave store is a store with no master versions, only slave copies of applications. You would probably have several slave stores for each master store, but as always, this depends on available disk space. Slave copies only hold the version trees for an application, not source code or build trees, and you may limit the amount of files copied by limiting the number of architectures. You only need to make the slave directory /store/store/<slave>/.<app>, but you may prefer to use slaveapp and linkup.

Compile Servers

A compile server is a machine used for compiling applications in STORE for some architecture. It would probably have a local master or slave store, but it only needs read-write access to a store to use for compile trees, and read access to the master servers for the applications it should compile.

Compile trees

A new concept recently introduced in STORE that wasn't originally in the design is the compile tree. Currently this is a bit of a kludge, with some hackery in the tools to support it. But it's very useful.

A master server for an application holds the master registration file, the source code, additional files (doit scripts etc), and probably some shadow trees created with shadow. In the original design, the master should hold shadow trees for all architectures the compilation was compiled for, e.g. sun3, sun4os4, and sgi. The compile server would just mount the store containing the application read-write, and compile there.

In practice, this isn't feasible. The master server would need to export its store read-write to a large (and variable) group of compile servers, and compiling on a disk mounted remotely may be nearly impossible. Instead, the compile server creates a pseudo-application for the exact purpose of compiling. If the master is mast, the compile server compi, and the application is someapp version 1.23, the compile tree would be the pseudo-application /store/store/compi/someapp-c.

The -c suffix denotes that this is indeed a compile tree. The shadow utility recognizes this, and looks around in /store/store/*/someapp for original source code (in this case, /store/store/mast/someapp/src-1.23). The shadow utility makes a shadow tree on the compile server, with links to the NFS-mounted original source. After compilation and successful installation into /store/store/compi/someapp-c/ver-1.23, the files which differ between the compile server and the master server's version trees should be exactly the architecture-dependant files. These can be tar'ed together and transferred to the master server to complete the installation for this specific architecture. (Postinst will try to do this automatically).

Generalized architectures


In STORE, an architecture is a description of a set of computers. It may range from any machine to one very specific machine. The name "architecture" should indicate the common meaning, but the concept is deeper than this. For example, "sparc" and "sgi" is two different architectures, but "sparc" may be further subdivided into "sun4os4" or even into "sun4mos413p", indicating a SparcStation 10 series running SunOS 4.1.3 with paches.

For files, architectures are denoted by suffixes using an @ as a special separator. Mostly, we are only interested in binary files having support for a special hardware/software platform. However, it is sometimes necessary to have configuration files that depend on other attributes of machines, for example mail programs that need to know the local address. The architecture concept, therefore, has been expanded to include other attribute-value pairs. The currently defined attributes are:

-- arch:<value> or only <value>
-- domain:<value> or d:<value>

So a file for SparcStations running SunOS 4 could be file@sun4os4, while a file for machines at the mathematics department could be file@domain:imf.unit.no. In the pathological case of a file with compiled-in configuration, one would need file@arch:sun4os4,domain:imf.unit.no. This general syntax would also permit additional attributes to be defined.

The administrative area

The home area for the "store" user contains configuration files for STORE, logs, reports, and may also have special programs to avoid peculiar troubles on special systems.

It is probably a good idea to share the administrative area between all machines running STORE in an administrative domain. This may be done by making /store/store/Adm a symlink to /store/store/<primary>/Adm, where <primary> is the main store server in the administrative domain. The problem is, of course, that if the primary server is down, the directory is unavailable, and you cannot run the STORE scripts, not even manually. However, it makes for much easier administration, as you otherwise would have to keep configuration files up-to-date on several servers.

Dot files: As all users, the "store" user should have a good setup for the shell in use, such as .cshrc/.login or .bashrc/.bash_profile files which are distributed in the inistore package. The most important thing about these files is setting the PATH variable properly. This must be done individually on different systems, since machines, OSes and sites differ substantially in their proper setup. The distributed set will try to source files in a common area, as this is the most widespread method (and also one of the best) for the setup of the shell. In addition, the distributed files will source files provided as part of the STORE scripts, to make STORE support commands available. These are implemented as perl scripts, and directly available as aliases in the shell. (See /store/etc/internal/aliases.{csh,bash} for details).

Configuration files are contained in the etc/ directory. The main configuration file is just the config file. The format and option of this file is described in greater detail elsewhere.

For now, the archs file is also in this directory. This file needs to be updated with new architectures as new machines and new OS versions become available.

The types.inits file contains initials for the persons installing and maintaining applications in STORE. This is for the benefit of the different report-generating software, and links the initials with the username. You need to update this whenever you get a new staff person.

There are also descriptions of the different licensing terms that applies to the programs you put into STORE, and the classifications of programs that you use. These probably need to be fixed according to local requirements initially.

The logs/ directory contains logs from the nightly runs of the STORE programs, and may also be used for other jobs that are run via the nightly commands feature.

The bin/ directory is used mainly for holding the nightly script night.sh that runs the STORE updates. This needs to be modified to be able to: Have a correct PATH, start the STORE updates (commonly via rsh or remsh), and send mail about the result. If you need to make script versions of common programs to avoid errors or deficiencies in your operating system, this is also the place to put such scripts, so they will be found by the STORE programs.

Cooperating administrative domains

An administrative domain is a set of store servers administrated together, with a single configuration file. They would probably be located nearby eachother net-wise, so it is possible to use any store from any linktree inside the administrative domain. One could define the administrative domain as the set of machines running the STORE scripts on the same nightly run.

Different nightly scripts


The STORE nightly job is run on the primary server for an administrative domain. It will start the cmaster and cslave scripts on all store servers in the domain, and the cclient script on all machines hosting a link tree, by using the rsh command. In addition, it will run the report script on the primary server, to make a report on all available programs. Any nightly jobs specified in the registration files will be run (by cclient) for each linktree, with the TOPDIR environment variable set to the top of the linktree.

Using persons' initials for reporting

To make the reports produced by STORE more readable, initials should be registered in the registration files. The standard report script will work well with two- to four-letter acronyms, while longer names will be truncated to four letters.

