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STORE is a system for installing and maintaining third party software on UNIX computers. The setup of STORE makes it easier to maintain and keep updated the same versions of software on all architectures in a network consisting of UNIX machines of more that one type.

If you are just curious about what STORE is, as a user of a UNIX system or as a system manager considering using STORE on your system, then you should read section Introduction to STORE. You should also see section Handling documentation which tells you where information about software packages may be found.

If you are going to install STORE on your system you should read section Installing STORE, which attempts to give you a step by step instruction of how to install and configure STORE itself.

If you are installing third party software under STORE, section Installing software under STORE, gives you examples of installing common types of software packages from the internet.

This is edition 2.3 of the STORE documentation. It is probably not going to be very readable before version 3.0, but everything you should need to know is covered in here somewhere.

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